Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 340: Adventures in Amateur Cooking

Written at 9:15pm on 12/6

I had success in the kitchen this evening. At work I was thinking about what I had bought the previous day. Tahini and tofu...had some pomegranates mom gave me over a month ago that were still good, but weren't going to stay that way long. I thought about making the pome. salad we had for Thanksgiving and pairing it was fried tofu coated with tahini.

I didn't really know the best way to do all this though. I didn't have the recipe for the pome. salad though I did try to find it online. I didn't find the exact one and didnt like the ones I did find so I just fully winged it. Started with deseeding the pome. and making juice our of some of the seeds and leaving some for topping since that it was Enila and I did when we started the salad on Thanksgiving. Then I added some lemon and balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

The tofu I was most worried about but I let it fry in some olive oil until tan then kind of dolup-ed and mixed the tahini on them. The odor suddenly became kind of pungent, I think a few were starting to get too crisp so I turned off the burner but left the pan on it as I was still deseeding the freaking pome. at that point. Cut up some tomato and laid down the spinach and brought all the elements together. I had to clean up before I could relax enough to try the dish. Then I sat in bed and had a bite. Then another. Pretty damn good - will repeat.

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